Future Project Peeks

Encarded is always working on new ideas and projects and as we develop concepts and themes you can find sneak peeks, images and discussion of the designs here. Our design process tends to evolve over time and things that at first look promising may change completely!. 

IMPORTANT: Everything shown on this page are prototypes and subject to change, revision, or cancellation. If these projects go into production you will see official announcements in our Latest News, Facebook and Twitter.

Below you can see 4 different decks in various stages of design and development. Some of these, like Tendril Ascendant are quite solid, while others like Tettura are just started. There are also several other designs still in the "mental" phase that will be distilled into something tangible soon.

Maybe some of these will be released, or they may go into our archive for the future. Maybe we love them today and will not find them compelling enough tomorrow. No matter what, we strive to develop great designs, not just average ones so we'll keep working on all of these to see which make the final cut. If you find something you see here really amazing, please be sure to let us know why.



Seen above, four of our recent design experiments. The codenames, from left to right:
Notos, Tettura, Prime Back, Tendril Ascendant.