Zenith Release Time

The first large group of Zenith decks will be available at 12pm (NOON) Eastern time on April 24th. I know it can be confusing to figure out exactly what that means if you are on the other side of the world, so if you interested in getting some I would suggest this:

  • Follow Encarded on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook (the links are at the bottom of the page)
  • I will announce on all three of those services 1 hour before I activate the products, so regardless of what time it is where you are, you will have 1 hour. That should make it simple for everyone!

Thanks again, I hope you enjoy Zenith once it gets into your hands.

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  • So sorry you missed it! I try not to send too many emails, as lots of folks are sensitive to being “spammed” (even by companies they like!) so I usually send one big message a few days in advance and then rely on social media for the minute-by-minute updates.

    • Paul
  • I want to scream. I was sent one e-mail reminding me they were releasing in a couple days. Figures that I was so busy that day I forgot and I forgot to set a reminder. I don’t have facebook or twitter or instagram. PLEASE next time send us e-mail reminders that day.


    Anyone want to trade one of these for a couple other decks?

    I.M. Stupid (cause I missed it).

    • I.M. Stupid